Our Team

  • Barry Swihart, President

    Barry Swihart - President

    Barry has a proven track record in real estate investing in both single and multi-family residences, as well as Airbnbs. Together, he and Justin started Poindexter Branch, a real estate investment company that has grown its equity position by 6x within 10 years.

  • Sean Warren

    Sean Warren - CEO

    Sean has served as a property analyst and acquisition expert for one of the leading home renovation companies in Arizona, completing transactions with total values exceeding $35m annually. Today he manages a multi-state real estate team with one of the fastest growing brokerages in the country.

  • Justin Parsons - COO

    Justin Parsons - COO

    Justin has extensive expertise in real estate ranging from property analysis, negotiations, and acquisitions, as well as portfolio management. Buying his first investment property on a credit card, Justin now has s self-sustaining portfolio of appreciating homes. Together, he and Barry have since owned over 300 homes in the Midwest.