Becoming an Investment Partner

  • Step 1 - Are You Accredited?

    Are you an accredited investor? This is really important to determine. If you are not sure, this will help you out. SEC Rule 501 of Regulation D defines accredited investors as someone that meets one (1) of the following criteria:

    • You have an individual income of more than $200,000 per year in each of the last two years and expect to maintain the same level of income in the current year.

    • You and your spouse jointly have an income of $300,000 per year in each of the last two years and expect to maintain the same level of income in the current year.

    • You have a net worth exceeding $1M, excluding your primary residence, either individually or jointly with your spouse.

    • You invest on behalf of an entity with at least $5M in assets or business in which all the equity owners are accredited investors.

  • Step 2 - Submit A Form

    Sojourners Capital, LLC, as a regulated investment platform, is are required to learn more about you as a potential investor.

    With that said, please take a moment to fill out our …. Form for Investors.

    Are you a Foreign Investor? If you are, please read our policy below.

    Foreign Investor Policy

    Because of the unique burden of compliance with US regulations regarding foreign investment, Sojourners Capital, LLC has decided that it will accept new investments only from persons and entities that are not subject to withholding or other requirements applicable to foreign investors under US tax law.

  • Step 3 - Receive Information

    As a potential new investment partner, Sojourners Capital, LLC will add you to our investor list and send you information on opportunities as they become available. Now you can begin to capitalize on the benefits of single and multifamily investing, with the knowledge our team will be here to support you throughout the investment process.